Case Study: Trinity Lightweight (previously a division of Oldcastle APG)
Building business-to-business and public brand cognizance to influence architects, site owners, engineers and construction management pros.
“Today’s expanding media outlets offer far more publicity opportunities than ever before, depending upon a clear vision and sound approach to expert media relations strategy.”
People now attain their news and information in countless formats and across myriad channels. This fragmentation derives from near-limitless channels of reported and shared information. Thus, audiences now gather granular pieces of information across electronic devices, via digital channels and, yes, even much still stemming from print. For marketers, this translates to innumerable messaging opportunities not to be missed. The channels to publicize brands, products, services, and thought-leadership personnel are wide open and available for the taking. But, strategic media coverage does not happen without an ongoing groundbreaking grind that is rife with press campaigns and solid relationships with media members.
With important paid, owned and earned media options to consider, the union of all three resonates with most marketing leaders. Yet, as advertising across an ever-growing spectrum of paid outlets becomes cost prohibitive, and self-managing owned channels converts to automation with less brand persona, earned media or publicity is more important than ever. This equates to the need for strategic media relations.
Because the media has become proliferated among reader and viewer formats - leading people to read, view and consume ten times the media content compared to only ten years ago - media relations is one of the most effectual means to gaining third-party endorsement and positive reviews of an editorial nature.
Building business-to-business and public brand cognizance to influence architects, site owners, engineers and construction management pros.