With a handiness factor that compares itself to the invention of the garlic press for culinary experts, the SoilStick, which is just one of the new products introduced by Plumstone, is sure to assist even the most novice of gardeners with how to accurately determine the correct acidity level for a particular plant or bed of plants.
Determining pH levels in soil until now was a fairly daunting task, and if you happened to be thumbing through the latest issue of a Better Homes and Gardens magazine like me the day the professor covered the topic in chemistry class, you are also at a loss as to why your Camellia bush’s foliage is yellowing.
Here is some background on the science behind the measurement of soil pH. The pH level is a mosaic that varies according to soil crumb structure, on the surface of colloids, and at microsites. The pH also exhibits vertical gradients, tending to be more acidic in surface mulches and alkaline where evaporation, wormcasts, and capillary action draw bases up to the soil surface… Wait, I got off track a bit, and there IS a much easier way!
The SoilStick will do this for you. SoilStick’s innovative scoop design measures out the perfect amount of soil each time, giving more accurate results. Each package includes a pH Color Chart matching plants (including vegetables and fruits) with the right pH in one easy step. An Amendment Chart makes it a snap for users to change the pH for a particular plant or perennial bed. To use SoilStick, simply scoop the soil, dump it into the tube, add water and the pH tablet. Each package includes 8 tablets.
If you are working on a gardening how-to article as a member of the media, let us know how we can assist you and your readers. The folks at Plumstone are experts well worth quoting. Consumers can make purchases at www.plumstone.com. Watch for more posts from us about Plumstone’s products before spring.
~ Jeff