One of our clients, Terra Nova Nurseries, has launched new social media channels as well as a mobile site and QR Codes. With new technology on the rise, the company’s decision to launch new social media and interactive platforms was to allow information and insights to be more accessible to customers. In addition, creating multi-platforms, participatory communications with growers, retailers and consumers; and engaging with various online communities, enables Terra Nova Nurseries to better understand and reach out to more diverse demographics.
Thus, the ECPR team has been working with Terra Nova Nurseries to develop a series of channels such as Facebook, Twitter, Flickr, and a blog, all to evoke online collaboration. The company’s social media channels are designed to develop interactive relationships as tools to better assist and encourage deeper, more meaningful conversations with horticultural experts, media members and consumers.
Our work with Terra Nova Nurseries has included a new Facebook page, which is being used as a social-networking site where fans can view plant and nursery photos, and converse with Terra Nova staff members through posted comments and questions. Friends and fans can also find valuable insights like plant and collection introductions, breeding highlights, liner availability specials for growers, support content for retailers, and even how-to articles and tips for home gardeners. For more lengthy, in depth information and articles, Terra Nova Nurseries’ fans can tune into the company’s new blog. A variety of topics include a range from current plant availability, personnel bios and company news to grower tips / benefits, media coverage and trade show events. Conversely, we worked with Terra Nova Nurseries to launch a Twitter channel that features short, informative “tidbits” of news and updates for more frequent, and timely interactions. This method of communication enables staff members and those who follow the feed, to receive information “on-the-go.” In addition, a Flickr channel was created to share photos of new plants and series as well as photos from trade shows, speaking engagements and garden tours. Since Flickr is indexed in search engines, this makes finding and sourcing posted images in an organized fashion a simple task.
With the addition of Terra Nova Nurseries’ social media channels, the company has most recently set up a YouTube channel. The brand new videos, co-produced and hosted by Dan Heims, showcase information such as breeding advancements in Cyclamen, Echinacea, Sedum, Coreopsis, Penstemon, Trailing Tiarella, Trailing Heucherella, and reblooming Kniphofia. Other videos showcase the company’s prized on-site gardens and all there is to know about the Heuchera Crisp Series.
With Terra Nova Nurseries’ focus on building online engagement, QR barcodes linked to smartphone applications have also been developed. Intended to tighten the circle between plant branding and point-of-sale for retailers, the QR codes supply consumers with interactive access to plant information through their phones. The codes have been added to Terra Nova’s plant tags. Each plant variety has been assigned a QR code which has been linked to a new mobile website that mimics the company’s main site. The codes are also linked to individual online plant profile pages, making plant characteristics and growing conditions readily available for all smartphone users no matter their locations.
As we have done for Terra Nova Nurseries, ECPR offers social media services for companies desiring to develop deeper relations with their own clients and customers. With technology advancing and methods of communication changing, the need to develop social media channels has become not just an added bonus, but more of a necessity. At ECPR, we specialize in P.R. 2.0., assisting companies in creating and maintaining social media channels and traditional public relations. Our team agrees it is time for more companies to realize the importance of social media and how it can help companies grow and enter the digital world of online communication. For more information about how we can assist industry-related companies with social media channels and to learn more about P.R. 2.0., visit our website by clicking here.
Nick Collins says
This is exciting news for Terra Nova. I love seeing horticultural companies successfully integrating social media into their marketing efforts! Thanks!
GIE Media.